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PMGRLB.DOC (For PMGRLB.ARC) - 11/27/86 - CLYDE PRITCHARD - 75236,1031
Documentation for Public Domain Print Master Graphic Libraries in PMGRLB.ARC
There are five public domain Print Master Graphic Libraries in PMGRLB.ARC.
Their names and descriptions are:
PDCUSTOM - 77 Miscellaneous graphics.
FLAGS - 23 U.S. and international flag graphics.
COMPUTER - 29 Computer related graphics.
SYMBOLS - 40 "Universal" symbol graphics.
MILITARY - 20 Service Logos, Division Logos and other graphics.
Each of these Libraries is made up of two files, one with the extention "SDR"
and one with the extention "SHP". To use a library, you must copy both of its
files to your Print Master data disk. You should be able to fit all five
libraries and the Print Master "Art Gallery I & II" libraries on your PM data
disk at the same time, especially if you have double density floppies or a
hard disk. To load a graphic from one of the libraries, choose "From other disk"
when prompted to "Choose Graphic", then select the library of your choice.
There are three other files in PMGRLB.ARC. The first is this documentation
The second is PSF2PM.BAS, which is an ST BASIC program that will convert
Print Shop graphics into a Print Master Graphic Library. This program was
uploaded to DL 4 of ATARI16 on CIS by Rick Vega (73177,1507), President of
ACCT in Toledo, who I believe also wrote the program. I used this program to
create the five graphic libraries from public domain (As far as I know) Print
Shop Graphics that I downloaded from DL 4 of ATARI8 on CIS and a couple of PD
Print Shop Libraries that I got from PAC, the Portland (Oregon) Atari Club.
The next file is SHOPTL.BIN, which I downloaded from DL 4 of ATARI8 on CIS.
This compiled ACTION! program by Dave Oblad converts graphics from Print Shop
"Other Disk" library format to individual ATARI DOS 2.0 files (or back again)
of 5 sectors. These files can then be transferred to the ST for input to Rick's
program, which will put them into a Print Master Graphic Library. Due to their
small file size, the best way to transfer the files is with a Kermit protocol
communications program over a null modem connection between your 8-bit and ST.
I used John Palevich's "Chameleon Terminal Emulator" (not public domain, but
available through the ANTIC Catalog) on my 130XE, and the PD version of KERMIT
uploaded to CIS by Christopher F. Chabris (73277,305). SHOPTL.BIN will display
its own documentation when you execute it (binary load from DOS).
Thanks to Rick and Dave for their conversion programs, and to all of the folks
that created the Print Shop Graphics that are now in these Print Master Graphic
Libraries. By the way, in case you haven't already figured it out, I included
the conversion programs so that you could convert any PD Print Shop graphics
that you have into Print Master format for all of us to enjoy. Here's hoping
you have some and will take the time to do it.
If you have any comments or questions about the conversion process, libraries,
etc. you can leave me messages/E-mail CIS (I am a low activity user), or try
the PAC BBS Systems - #1 503-245-9405, #2 503-245-4608, both 300/1200 24 hrs.,
or the IB Computers BBS, 503-292-1321 - 300/1200, also 24 hours.
My user name on all 4 systems is Clyde Pritchard, and my CIS PPN is 75236,1031.
Hope you use and enjoy all of these files.
* * * * * * * * * * * E n d o f D o c u m e n t a t i o n * * * * * * *